One contestant, Prithviraj Puttaraju, a40-year-old executive from Bangalore, India, said,'I had continuously heard that China had a lot to offer in terms of deep culture, extreme beauty and growth. ' 来自印度孟买、今年40岁的管理人员PrithvirajPuttaraju就是报名者之一。他说,我不断听说中国具有悠久的文化,美丽的国土和高速增长的经济。
Modern Olympic makes physical combining with modern design, and full of deep culture. 现代奥运使体育与现代设计结合起来,使现代奥运具有深刻的文化内涵。
Yet through this version we can pierce into the American deep culture structure, including American value of individualism, value of time, of religion and of nature. 但从此片我们可以看出美国的个人主义价值观、自然观、时空观、宗教观等深层文化结构。
The bandit culture has deep culture relations with Mohism. 匪文化与墨学之间有深厚的文化思想渊源。
Tea tasting definitely has deep culture meanings. 品茶一定有很深厚的文化内涵吧。
However, artist with deep culture and his own independent mind are rare. 而少见的是学养深厚并有自己独立思想的艺术家。
Thanks mainly to muck-raking British journalists, a deep culture of corruption within FIFA has been exposed. 多亏了喜爱揭发丑闻的英国记者,国际足联内部腐败成风的严重现象得以曝光。
The unique visual form and deep culture inside of Chinese ideograph have determined its enormous vitality. 汉字独特的视觉形式与深厚的文化底蕴决定了它的巨大生命力。
This text expound the intensions, effect, and VaIne purpose of the globalization and the deep culture offence arising therefrom. 本文主要论述了全球化的内涵、效应、价值意蕴以及由此而引发的深层文化冲撞问题。
But the downside is nepotism and the lack of a deep culture of meritocracy. 但不利的一面是裙带效应和厚重的精英体制文化的缺失。
Accumulation of years of history, deep culture. 千年历史积淀,文化底蕴深厚。
Because of Bellow's high sense of responsibility, deep culture accumulated and sharp insight, he gave his intellectual-searcher images the complicated social and cultural meanings, aesthetics character. 作家高度的社会责任感、深厚的文化积淀和敏锐的洞察力,赋予其小说中的知识分子探索者们以深沉的文化意味和美学品格。
Our nation's traditional sport, which belongs to fold-custom, contains deep culture connotation. 我国民族传统体育属于民俗文化的范畴,其中蕴含着深厚的文化内涵。
The nature of the Chinese modern novel describes to appreciate beauty novel with Chinese modern the characteristic and the cultural characters contain deep culture and the literature connections. 中国现代小说的自然描写与中国现代小说的审美特质和文化品格形成深刻的文化和文学关联。
Probe into its strokes of a Chinese character and form deep culture and aesthetic spirit that back reflect again, will let us see: Chinese characters and Chinese character figure are regarded as the value and meaning of the independent plastic arts subject matter. 本文探究其笔画构成背后所反映的深层文化和审美精神,从中审视:汉字及汉字图形作为独立的造型艺术题材的价值与意义。
In the second part, the author explores from history the creation process and creation rules of the western myth and analyzes its social and mental background as well as its deep culture meanings. 第二部分从历史上探索西方神话的创造过程和规律,分析其社会心理背景以及深层的文化意蕴。
Clan is a last a special landlord for having deep culture cultivated manners rank culture in Chinese history stratum. 士族是中国历史上一个具有深厚文化素养的特殊地主阶级文化阶层。
People intermediation system rooted in deep culture foundation in our country, also in factors of revolution tradition. 人民调解制度在我国有深厚的文化基础,也有革命传统的因素。
"shou" pictograph, abstractness and its changes of intension of "shou", it reflect deep culture and aesthetic. 寿字的象形性和抽象性及其内涵的变化,反映着深层的文化和审美。
Enterprise culture can be divided into three different levels, namely the surface culture, media culture and deep culture. 企业文化可以被分割为三个不同的层次,即表层文化、中层文化和深层文化。
First, the paper explained the deep culture connotation of intangible culture-torch festival. 首先,文章深层的挖掘了非物质文化遗产火把节的文化内涵。
Spirit and home have deep culture concept, and is the necessary factor in the development and existence of human beings. 精神和家园都具有深厚的精神文化底蕴,是人存在发展中不可或缺根本组成要素。
Chinese traditional graphs show deep culture charm with its unique and united styles. It supplies creative design ideas, way and clues to Chinese designers. 中国传统装饰符号以其独立别致而又统一的格调,显示出意蕴深厚并富有魅力的文化内涵,为中国的设计师提供了设计创意的观念、方法和线索,是我们宝贵的创作源泉。
China is known as the country of etiquette in the world, the etiquette has a long history and deep culture in China. 中国以礼仪之邦著称于世界,礼仪在中国有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。
This paper reveals the foundation of deep culture in the confliction between traditional culture and popular culture, to discuss traditional consciousness accumulation from the resonance of the hot soap operas. 不断从传统文化和流行文化的碰撞磨合中发掘深层文化的根基,从热播剧的共鸣中探析传统意识积淀。
Paper takes that shape vision art effect of space environment as core, takes environment itself as research object, and examines again from fundamental concept that application method of traditional modeling element in space, in order to explore deep culture content. 以塑造空间环境的视觉艺术效果为核心,把环境本体作为研究对象,对传统造型元素在空间环境中的应用方法从根本观念上进行了重新审视,探究环境设计中的深层文化内涵。
Dai bamboo house of which the most unique not only because it has a unique architectural styles, and also includes a deep culture, experienced social and economic development and changes, until today still has a strong vitality. 云南少数民族干栏民居中,以傣族竹楼最具特色,它不仅具有独特的建筑形式,同时包含了深厚的民族文化,经历了社会的发展与变化,直至今日仍然有着强大的生命力。
In the history that with this city evolved together every trade of Shanghai had the deep culture accumulates. 上海的各行各业在与这座城市共同演进的历史中,都形成了深厚的文化积淀。
Shandong province has a long history, deep culture, creating a rich cultural heritage of Shandong. 山东地区历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,造就了山东丰厚的文化遗产。
Auspicious pattern formation is not simply a sporadic artistic phenomenon, but the accumulation of folk art and folk culture for thousand of years, deep culture, and the collective wisdom of the masses of working people. 吉祥图案并不是偶然形成的艺术现象,是中国千百年来民间艺术、民族艺术和民俗文化的沉淀,是广大劳动人民集体的智慧的结晶,有着独特的审美价值和艺术魅力。